Refund Policy

All Freelancers Limited is committed to providing exceptional IT services. However, due to the nature of our services, refunds are generally not provided once a project is completed.


  • Overpayment: If an overpayment is made, we will issue a refund for the excess amount within 7 business days. Please notify our customer support immediately upon discovering the error.
  • Project Cancellation: In specific circumstances, project cancellation may be considered. Refund eligibility depends on the project stage and associated costs incurred. Please contact our customer support to discuss your situation.

Important Considerations:

  • Project Initiation: Once a project is initiated and resources allocated, cancellation may result in fees to cover incurred expenses.
  • Custom Development: Refunds for custom software development or design projects are generally not provided due to the significant time and resource investment required.
  • Third-Party Services: Refunds for third-party services or software licenses purchased on behalf of the client may be subject to the respective third-party’s refund policy.

Dispute Resolution:

We value your satisfaction and encourage you to contact our customer support team to address any concerns or disputes. We will work diligently to find a mutually agreeable solution.

Please note: This refund policy is subject to change without prior notice. You can contact us at for any information required.

By engaging our services, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this refund policy.